'Beeting' a Curse is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. It is received from Samantha Dale in the Hogwarts Greenhouses. She wants help breaking a family curse that has affected her brother.
"Rumour has it Samantha Dale is having a problem with her brother William. I ought to see if I can help her."
- Talk to Samantha Dale
"Samantha noted that her ancestral family tomb is located east of Brocburrow. I should look there."
- Enter the Dale Family Tomb
"Luckily, entering the tomb did not turn my feet to beets. I should search the tomb for where this crest belongs."
- Return Marmaduke's Crest
"I was able to return the Dale family crest to its rightful place within the tomb, even with a terrible troll nearby. Time to update Samantha."
- Return to Samantha
"After venturing inside the tomb belonging to Samantha's ancestor, Marmaduke Gilbertus Dale, I was able to replace the crest. Of course it took bypassing a troll and a bit of Devil's Snare to do it. Yet Samantha was overjoyed when she found out the curse had been reversed. Hopefully having beets for feet will teach her brother a lesson."
- The tomb is occupied by the Riparian Troll.
- After defeating the troll, you must crawl through a low passage to reach Marmaduke's sarcophagus.
- Samantha may thank you for having helped her and mention that her brother listens to her now before you've finished the quest. This may be the result of visiting the tomb before getting the quest.