Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

All's Well That Ends Bell is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. It is received by speaking to Evangeline Bardsley in the Astronomy Wing.


"A Hufflepuff in the Astronomy Wing seems upset about something. Perhaps I can help."

  • Speak to the Hufflepuff in the Astronomy Wing

"Evangeline told me that the bells to be restored are in the Bell Tower above the Music Room. I should go there first."

  • Go to the Music Room

"I've located the Music Room. It looks like the tower bells are above it. I should ascend the stairs to find them."

  • Find the tower bells

"It looks like two bells are missing. I should look for them within the tower."

  • Return the missing bells to the tower (2)

"I was able to locate the missing bells within the tower and restore them, preserving a bit of Hogwarts history. I should let Evangeline know."

  • Return to Evangeline


"I located the bells missing from the Bell Tower and restored them to their proper place, preserving a bit of Hogwarts history. Evangeline was delighted and is convinced future generations will benefit from my actions."


  • One of the missing bells is one floor below the bells, and is passed on the way up.
  • The other missing bell is one floow above the bells, at the end of a closed walkway.
  • The larger of the two bells belongs in the top row of bells, and the smaller belongs on the bottom row.

