Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Carted Away is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. The quest is received by speaking to the goblin Arn outside Lower Hogsfield.


"A goblin outside Lower Hogsfield seems distraught over his missing cart. He doesn't seem to be aligned with Ranrok's Loyalists. Perhaps I should investigate."

  • Talk to the goblin outside Lower Hogsfield

"Arn mentioned his carts were taken by Ranrok's Loyalists to an encampment to the south of Lower Hogsfield. I should try the road heading south out of the hamlet."

  • Go to the Goblin Camp

"Arn's lost carts appear to be locked behind a gate – and getting to them won't be easy with all these goblin Loyalists about."

  • Free the carts from the encampment

"I was able to free the carts from the encampment and they are travelling back to Arn. I should return to Lower Hogsfield to update him."

  • Return to Arn


"I was able to liberate and return Arn's carts to him in Lower Hogsfield. He should be able to return to his travelling life, selling his wares on the road. He was delighted with my news and even mentioned he might paint a piece as a tribute to all that is good between goblins and wizardkind. I'm happy I could help Arn and will watch for him on the road as I travel."

