Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Throughout your adventure, you will gain EXP from completing Challenges. Hogwarts Legacy is unique in that killing multiple enemies isn't the way to level up, but rather by completing specific Challenges. By making progress towards completing Challenges, your player character will gain EXP, until that specific Challenge is complete. You will gain no further EXP after the challenge is complete.

With that being said, you may wonder what the max level is, how much EXP you need to level up, or what the rewards are for levelling up. Don't worry, we've got you covered!

Here is a breakdown of all the levels in game, the EXP required and the HP you will have at that level.

Level EXP HP Level EXP HP
1 0 200 21 19,290 950
2 500 215 22 21,035 1,025
3 1,030 235 23 22,885 1,110
4 1,595 255 24 24,865 1,195
5 2,195 275 25 26,965 1,290
6 2,835 300 26 29,205 1,390
7 3,515 325 27 31,590 1,500
8 4,240 350 28 34,130 1,620
9 5,015 380 29 36,830 1,745
10 5,840 410 30 39,710 1,885
11 6,715 440 31 42,750 2,030
12 7,650 475 32 46,000 2,190
13 8,650 515 33 49,500 2,360
14 9,700 555 34 53,000 2,545
15 10,825 600 35 56,500 2,745
16 12,025 650 36 60,000 2,960
17 13,300 700 37 63,500 3,195
18 14,660 755 38 67,000 3,445
19 16,110 815 39 70,500 3,710
20 17,650 880 40 74,000 4,000

As you can see, the maximum level in Hogwarts Legacy is 40, at which point you will have amassed a total of 74,000 EXP and have 4,000 HP.

But what about the rewards breakdown for each level up? Don't worry, we've got you covered there too! The below table should help you figure out approximately how much EXP you need to level up.

Level EXP to Next Level HP Gained Level EXP to Next Level HP Gained
1 500 - 21 1,745 70
2 530 15 22 1,850 75
3 565 20 23 1,980 85
4 600 20 24 2,100 85
5 640 20 25 2,240 95
6 680 25 26 2,385 100
7 725 25 27 2,540 110
8 775 25 28 2,700 120
9 825 30 29 2,880 125
10 875 30 30 3,040 140
11 935 30 31 3,250 145
12 1,000 35 32 3,500 160
13 1,050 40 33 3,500 170
14 1,125 40 34 3,500 185
15 1,200 45 35 3,500 200
16 1,275 50 36 3,500 215
17 1,360 50 37 3,500 235
18 1,450 55 38 3,500 250
19 1,540 60 39 3,500 265
20 1,640 65 40 - 290