Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Defence Against The Dark Arts Class is a main quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Both this quest and Charms Class are received after Welcome to Hogwarts, and the two may be performed in either order.


  • Level 1



"The Field Guide Map shows Professor Hecat's class is in the lower section of the Astronomy Wing."

"I could get lost in this castle. I may need to use the Charmed Compass in the Field Guide to help me find the way."

  • Attend Defence Against the Dark Arts Class

"Professor Hecat wants me to attack the training dummy with a Basic Cast."

  • Perform a Basic Cast on the training dummy

"If I understand Professor Hecat correctly, casting Levioso on the training dummy will break its shield and leave it vulnerable to a Basic Cast."

  • Cast Levioso on the training dummy, followed by a Basic Cast

"Professor Hecat has organised an impromptu duel between me and Sebastian Sallow. She wants to show us the value of Levioso in combat."

"Professor Hecat told me to speak with Sebastian about additional dueling practice."

  • Speak with Sebastian


"I attended Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It went well. I learned a new spell, Levioso, the Levitating spell. Then I learned how to use Levioso to break an enemy's magical shield. On top of that I participated in my first duel and I'm honestly the natural talent. Perhaps I should give that unofficial duelling club a try?"


  • There are two ways to beat Sebastian. The fastest and easiest is to fling him off the platform. The slower way is to deplete his health bar. Upon his defeat, he will fall into a kneeling position on the platform to catch his breath. There doesn't appear to be any difference in reactions upon concluding the battle one way or the other.
  • Adelaide Oakes and Cressida Blume hang around after class and can be spoken to for their reactions.
  • The side quest Crossed Wands: Round 1 becomes available after completing this quest.
  • Despite being told they are only allowed to use Levioso, Basic Cast, and Protego, Sebastian will attack with Confringo.

