Hogwarts Legacy Wiki
Floo Flames location

Floo Flames are Fast Travel points that can be found throughout Hogwarts Castle, Hogsmeade, and other areas. They consist of a relief bust of Ignatia Wildsmith above a small bowl with a flame, usually mounted on a wall or small post. Upon approaching it, Ignatia's bust recites a random remark.

Floo Flames locations are marked on the map by a flame icon – green for flames you have found, and grey for undiscovered flames. You can Fast Travel to any discovered Floo Flames location from almost anywhere by opening the Map, selecting the desired marker, and pressing the appropriate button.

List of Floo Flames locations[]


The Astronomy Wing

The Bell Tower Wing

  • Bell Tower Courtyard
  • Flying Class Lawn
  • Beasts Classroom
  • Hogwarts North Exit
  • West Tower

The Grand Staircase

The Great Hall

The Library Annex

The South Wing

Secret Rooms

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The map shows the common room only for the player's House; Floo Flames for the other Houses' common rooms are not marked.


Related achievements[]
