Gear is the set of clothing that your player character is equipped with. Gear can be upgraded by using the Enchanted Loom found in the Room of Requirement.
By default, Gear features one primary offence or defence stat. Magical materials can be used with the Loom to add and upgrade a secondary stat or apply traits to your gear. Upgrading gear at the Enchanted Loom can add 6/18/36 in the opposing stat. (e.g. defensive gear adds offence with upgrades). Multiple small upgrades can yield a powerful boost in combat power.
New beasts can be rescued at Beast Dens or unlocked in quests. New trait recipes can be collected in Bandit Camps.
Gear Types[]
Clothing gear has a rarity which reflects the item's Trait Slot level, whether the item can be upgraded, and its sell value, as well as determining its possible stats. (There are two exceptions: the Traditional School Robe you start with and the one you are given during Welcome to Hogsmeade have a Sell Value of 0.)
is displayed below the item's name when inspecting it, and also indicated by the icon's background color. There are 5 levels of rarity, ranging from "Standard" (dark blue) to "Legendary" (orange).
"Standard" gear is non-magical, and is limited to 4 items that you start with: Gold Rimmed Circular Spectacles, Black Leather Gloves, Dark Flatcap, and Natural Beige Scarf. All other gear will be "Well-Appointed" or better.
Legendary gear found in chests or dropped by enemies will always have a random Level I trait. All other gear, including Legendary gear purchased from vendors, will always have an empty slot.
Level and Stats[]
Clothing gear has a Level, and can only be equipped if the player's character is the same level or higher.
Well-Appointed or better gear has an Offence or Defence stat: Offence on handwear, neckwear, and cloaks/robes, and Defence on facewear, headwear, and outfits. The value of this stat is random, with the range of possible values determined by the item's level and rarity as shown in the following table.
Item Level |
Well-Appointed, Superb |
Extraordinary | Legendary |
1 | 1 - 3 | 1 - 3 | 1 - 3 |
2 | 2 - 4 | 2 - 4 | 2 - 4 |
3 | 3 - 5 | 3 - 5 | 4 - 6 |
4 | 4 - 6 | 4 - 6 | 5 - 7 |
5 | 5 - 8 | 6 - 9 | 6 - 9 |
6 | 6 - 10 | 7 - 11 | 8 - 12 |
7 | 8 - 13 | 10 - 15 | 11 - 16 |
8 | 10 - 16 | 12 - 18 | 14 - 20 |
9 | 12 - 18 | 15 - 21 | 17 - 23 |
10 | 14 - 21 | 17 - 24 | 20 - 27 |
11 | 16 - 24 | 20 - 28 | 23 - 31 |
12 | 18 - 26 | 22 - 30 | 26 - 34 |
13 | 20 - 29 | 25 - 34 | 29 - 38 |
14 | 22 - 32 | 27 - 37 | 32 - 42 |
15 | 24 - 34 | 30 - 40 | 35 - 45 |
16 | 26 - 36 | 32 - 42 | 38 - 48 |
17 | 28 - 39 | 35 - 46 | 41 - 52 |
18 | 30 - 42 | 37 - 49 | 44 - 56 |
19 | 32 - 44 | 40 - 52 | 47 - 59 |
20 | 34 - 46 | 42 - 54 | 50 - 62 |
21 | 36 - 48 | 45 - 57 | 53 - 65 |
22 | 38 - 51 | 47 - 60 | 56 - 69 |
23 | 40 - 54 | 50 - 64 | 59 - 73 |
24 | 42 - 56 | 52 - 66 | 62 - 76 |
25 | 44 - 58 | 55 - 69 | 65 - 79 |
26 | 46 - 60 | 56 - 71 | 68 - 82 |
27 | 48 - 62 | 60 - 74 | 71 - 85 |
28 | 49 - 64 | 61 - 76 | 73 - 88 |
29 | 50 - 66 | 63 - 79 | 75 - 91 |
30 | 51 - 68 | 64 - 81 | 77 - 94 |
31 | 52 - 69 | 66 - 83 | 79 - 96 |
32 | 53 - 70 | 67 - 84 | 81 - 98 |
33 | 54 - 71 | 69 - 86 | 83 - 100 |
34 | 55 - 72 | 70 - 87 | 85 - 102 |
35 | 56 - 73 | 72 - 89 | 87 - 104 |
36 | 57 - 74 | 73 - 90 | 89 - 106 |
37 | 58 - 75 | 75 - 92 | 91 - 108 |
38 | 59 - 76 | 76 - 93 | 93 - 110 |
39 | 60 - 77 | 78 - 95 | 95 - 112 |
40 | 61 - 78 | 79 - 96 | 97 - 114 |
Starting Gear[]
Upon starting your first day at Hogwarts, you possess the following gear:
Item | Equipped | Rarity | Sell Value |
Gold Rimmed Circular Spectacles | No | Standard | 30 |
Glasses chosen during character creation (if any) | Yes | Well-Appointed | 60 |
Black Leather Gloves | No | Standard | 30 |
Dark Flatcap | No | Standard | 30 |
Natural Beige Scarf | No | Standard | 30 |
Traditional School Robe | Yes | Well-Appointed | 0 |
Prefect Vest Uniform | Yes | Well-Appointed | 60 |
All starting gear has an Offence or Defence of 0 and cannot be upgraded.
List of Gear[]
- Black Fingerless Gloves
- Black Leather Gloves
- Black Rivet Gloves
- Blue Leather Gloves
- Brown Leather Fingerless Gloves
- Brown Leather Gloves
- Burgundy Quidditch Gloves
- Cedar Rivet Gloves
- Cerulean Rivet Gloves
- Charms Professor Gloves
- Checked Gloves
- Crimson Quidditch Gloves
- Dark Arts Dueling Gloves
- Elf-Made Ivory Gloves
- Forest Rivet Gloves
- Green Gingham Gloves
- Green Striped Gloves
- Grey Quidditch Gloves
- Hunter Fingerless Gloves
- Mahogany Fingerless Gloves
- Ochre Quidditch Gloves
- Ornate Black and Brown Gloves
- Ornate Ebony Gloves
- Ornate Juniper Gloves
- Ornate Two-Tone Gloves
- Outland Duelling Gloves
- Refined Duelling Gloves
- Roughhouser Gloves
- Rugged Duelling Gloves
- Sage Embellished Gloves
- Sleek Duelling Gloves
- Stinger Duelling Gloves
- Teal Fingerless Gloves
- Unbeatable Quidditch Gloves
- Asylum Mask
- Blue Four Eyes Spectacles
- Blue Solar Protection Goggles
- Brown Eye of Newt Goggles
- Ceramic Mask
- Curious Silver Spectacles
- Frameless Tinted Spectacles
- Gold Dragon-Eyed Spectacles
- Gold Rimmed Circular Spectacles
- Gold Rimmed Half-Moon Spectacles
- Gold Rimmed Hexagonal Spectacles
- Gold Wooden Spectacles
- Legendary Masquerade Mask
- Niffler Mask
- Orange Eye of Newt Goggles
- Purple Dragon-Eyed Spectacles
- Quidditch Goggles
- Sanguine Mask
- Silver Four Eyes Spectacles
- Silver Half-Rim Spectacles
- Silver Rimmed Circular Spectacles
- Silver Rimmed Half-Moon Spectacles
- Silver Spectacles
- Silver Wooden Spectacles
- Solar Protection Goggles
- Solar Protection Spectacles
- Black Bowler Hat
- Bloodred Fedora
- Blue Flatcap
- Blue Nightcap
- Blue Turban
- Byzantine Beret
- Classic Sorcerer Hat
- Clockwork Fedora
- Crimson Top Hat
- Dark Flatcap
- Dark Herbologist Hat
- Dark Plaid Fedora
- Dark Sun Hat
- Faerie Cap
- Fairy Green Sorcerer Hat
- First-Year Cap
- Flora Fedora
- Forest Sorcerer Hat
- Fur-Lined Cap
- Grey Nightcap
- High Society Fedora
- High Top Hat
- Indigo Sorcerer Hat
- Lace Sorcerer Hat
- Leather Sorcerer Hat
- Light Herbologist Hat
- Light Sun Hat
- Mauve Beret
- Niffler Fur-Lined Hat
- Nomad Hat
- Opulent Spider's Web Hat
- Patchwork Sorcerer Hat
- Patterned Turban
- Periwinkle Top Hat
- Plum Sorcerer Hat
- Renaissance Cap
- Rugged Fedora
- Rustic Sleeping Cap
- Scarecrow Sorcerer Hat
- Secret Solver's Tailor Hat
- Sheepskin Winter Hat
- Sleek Sorcerer Hat
- Smart Fedora
- Straw Sun Hat
- Striking Paisley Hat
- Stylish Top Hat
- Suave Mauve Hat
- Tan Nightcap
- Tasselled Kufi
- Tattered Top Hat
- Verdant Hat
- Whimsical Night Cap
- Whimsical Sorcerer Hat
- Ancient Mysteries Scarf
- Azure Niffler Scarf
- Banded Colour Scarf
- Brown Palmette Scarf
- Celtic Brushstroke Scarf
- Celtic Glister Scarf
- Charcoal Lock Scarf
- Crimson Clockwork Scarf
- Daedalus Scarf
- Dark Desert Scarf
- Dusky Wool Scarf
- Emerald Blood Scarf
- Emerald Bloom Scarf
- Forest Ivy Scarf
- Forest Tartan Scarf
- Fringed Brushstroke Scarf
- Fringed Cerulean Runic Scarf
- Fringed Crimson Clockwork Scarf
- Fringed Forest Lock Scarf
- Fringed House Scarf
- Fringed Teal CLockwork Scarf
- Golden Snitch Scarf
- Highland Scarf
- House Emblem Scarf
- Lavender Patch Scarf
- Light Desert Scarf
- Loosened Black and White Pinstripe Scarf
- Loosened Brown Palmette Scarf
- Loosened Cobalt Runic Scarf
- Loosened Crimson Lock Scarf
- Loosened House Emblem Scarf
- Loosened Umber Autumn Scarf
- Mauve Lock Scarf
- Natural Beige Scarf
- Navigator's Scarf
- Neapolitan Striped Scarf
- Pinstriped Scarf
- Royal Chinese Fireball Scarf
- Ruby Chinese Fireball Scarf
- Sienna Bloom Scarf
- Silver Scarf
- Snowy Owl Scarf
- Spring Ivy Scarf
- Striped House Colour Scarf
- Tartan Sunrise Scarf
- Teal Chinese Fireball Scarf
- Teal Clockwork Scarf
- Teal Palmette Scarf
- Violet Lock Scarf
Cloaks and Robes[]
Bug: As of the July 12, 2024 update, there exists a visual glitch where the female version of the Traditional School Robe (and all other robes that use the same model) would use the Charms Professor Robe texture instead of its own, while having the hood up and wearing a scarf.[1]
- Ambitious Cloak
- Astral Mosaic Robe
- Astral Robe
- Athletic House Robe
- Azure Mosaic Robe
- Blackwatch Plaid Longcoat
- Brushed Wool Cape
- Burgundy Robe
- Celtic Cape
- Cerulean Patterned Cloak
- Charming House Cloak
- Charming School Cloak
- Check Crimson Overcoat
- Classical School Robe
- Classical Trimmed School Robe
- Competitive School Robe
- Contemporary School Cloak
- Crepuscular Cape
- Crimson Patterned Robe
- Crimson Winter Coat
- Cuffed School Robe
- Currant Patterned Longcoat
- Daring Cloak
- Dark Arts Cloak
- Dashing Gray Longcoat
- Decorative School Robe
- Deluxe House Cloak
- Diamond Weave Robe
- Distinguished Amber Cloak
- Distinguished School Cloak
- Distinguished School Robe
- Draconic Longcoat
- Druid Wolf Cape
- Elegant Emerald Robe
- Elegant Runic Cape
- Embellished Cobalt Overcoat
- Embossed Tailcoat
- Emerald Silk Robe
- Flamboyant Cloak
- Fur Coat
- Gallantry Cape
- Gardener's Robe
- Golden Silk Robe
- Golden Trimmed School Robe
- Heraldic Longcoat
- Hickory Striped Robe
- Hunter Green Corduroy Robe
- Illustrious Cloak
- Illustrious Emerald Silk Robe
- Kraken Cloak
- Leather Longcoat
- Leather Winter Cloak
- Loyal and Kind Cloak
- Luxurious Cloak
- Majestic School Robe
- Mormaer Robes
- Mysterious Corduroy Robe
- Noble Azure Overcoat
- Noblesse Coat
- Ochre Cloak
- Olive Patterned Robe
- Patterned House Robe
- Periwinkle Tailcoat
- Plum Velvet Robe
- Poacher Coat
- Quidditch Cape
- Quidditch Robe
- Regal School Cloak
- Resplendent Robe
- Royal Maroon Coat
- Rugged Robe
- Runic Robe
- Scholar's Robe
- Scholarly Cloak
- Sleek School Cloak
- Solitarian Robe
- Steel Blue Robe
- Striking Turqouise Cloak
- Striped School Robe
- Stylish School Cloak
- Sunrise Robe
- Tanned Cloak
- Traditional Check Cloak
- Traditional School Cloak
- Traditional School Robe
- Trifecta School Robe
- Twilight Cloak
- Two-Tone House Cloak
- Velvet House Cloak
- Velvet School Robe
- Aristocratic Ensemble
- Autum Jumper School Uniform
- Autumn Jumper Uniform
- Capricious Vest School Uniform
- Celtic Attire
- Cobalt Adventure Ensemble
- Cobalt Debonair Ensemble
- Cream Pinstripe Ensemble
- Crimson Motley Garb
- Crimson Mystic Ensemble
- Crimson Voyager Garb
- Dapper Mauve Ensemble
- Dapper Teal Ensemble
- Dark Smithing Attire
- Decorous Blazer School Uniform
- Decorous Casual School Uniform
- Decorous Classic School Uniform
- Decorous Jumper School Uniform
- Decorous Midday School Uniform
- Diamond Casual School Uniform
- Diamond Classic School Uniform
- Diamond Debonair Ensemble
- Diamond Jumper School Uniform
- Dreamer's Nightwear
- Duellist Attire
- Elegant Blazer Uniform
- Elegant Casual Uniform
- Elegant Formal Uniform
- Elegant Shirt and Tie Uniform
- Elegant Vest Uniform
- Embroidered Casual Uniform
- Embroidered Formal Uniform
- Emerald Highland Attire
- Gold Trimmed Debonair Ensemble
- Gothic Attire
- Grey Adventurer Ensemble
- Grey Highland Attire
- Grey Motley Garb
- Grey Voyager Garb
- Jumper School Uniform
- Kilted Garb
- Knitted Jumper Attire
- Light Nightwear
- Midnight Debonair Ensemble
- Nocturne Teal Ensemble
- Plaid Blazer School Uniform
- Plaid Casual School Uniform
- Plaid Formal School Uniform
- Plaid Shirt and Tie School Uniform
- Plaid Vest School Uniform
- Prefect Casual Uniform
- Prefect School Uniform
- Prefect Vest Uniform
- Professional Blazer Uniform
- Rapscallion Garb
- Red Plaid Garb
- Relaxed Garb
- Relaxed Jumper School Uniform
- Rose Riding Attire
- Russet Motley Garb
- Rustic Garb
- Samhain Festival Garb
- Scottish Jumper Attire
- Seafoam Nightwear
- Slate Jumper Attire
- Striped Jumper School Uniform
- Stylish Blazer School Uniform
- Stylish Casual School Uniform
- Stylish Informal School Uniform
- Stylish Midday School Uniform
- Stylish Vest School Uniform
- Suave Striped Attire
- Tan Riding Attire
- Tartan Blazer School Uniform
- Tartan Casual School Uniform
- Tartan Classic School Uniform
- Tartan Vest School Uniform
- Tattersall Casual School Uniform
- Tattersall Shirt and Tie School Uniform
- Tattersall Vest School Uniform
- Teal Striped Attire
- Tenebrous Attire
- Woodlands Ensemble
- Wool Jumper Uniform
- Worn Quidditch Uniform
Wand Handles[]
Wand Handles are items that add a decorative handgrip to the base of the player's wand. They are cosmetic only, providing no bonuses or functional differences in gameplay. There are 14 different designs, each having 3 color styles, for a total of 42 unique handles to collect. Some wand handles are received as quest rewards, but most are found randomly in collection chests throughout the world.
- Arrow - Black
- Arrow - Brown
- Arrow - Pink Swirl
- Avian - Beige
- Avian - Brown
- Avian - Grey
- Basketweave - Black
- Basketweave - Blue
- Basketweave - Red
- Botanical - Bronze Leaf
- Botanical - Gold Leaf
- Botanical - Silver Leaf
- Celestial - Blue
- Celestial - Dark Grey
- Celestial - Light Grey
- Checkerboard - Blue
- Checkerboard - Brown
- Checkerboard - Teal
- Column - Beige
- Column - Dark Brown
- Column - Teal and Brown
- Corkscrew - Brown
- Corkscrew - Light and Dark Brown
- Corkscrew - Teal Blue
- Imperial - Brown and Gold
- Imperial - Grey and Bronze
- Imperial - Grey and Silver
- Orbicular - Brown
- Orbicular - Gold
- Orbicular - Violet
- Regal - Black
- Regal - Blue
- Regal - Pink
- Sabre - Ash Brown
- Sabre - Brown
- Sabre - Grey
- Shell - Grey
- Shell - Honey Brown
- Shell - Metallic
- Swirl - Brown
- Swirl - Dark Grey
- Swirl - Lilac