Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

In the Shadow of the Relic is Sebastian Sallow's seventh relationship quest in Hogwarts Legacy.


"I received an owl from Ominis saying he's gravely concerned about Sebastian. I should meet him and Anne at the catacomb."

  • Talk to Ominis at the catacomb

"Ominis told me that Sebastian was behaving strangely. I'm worried – I need to find Sebastian as soon as possible."

  • Find Sebastian at the catacombs

"The catacomb is swarming with Inferi. Could this be Sebastian's doing? I've got to defeat them."

  • Defeat the Inferi

"Now that I got past the Inferi, I need to find Sebastian before it's too late. Ominis told me that Anne went to get help. He is going to talk to the Headmaster."

  • Find Sebastian

"I found Sebastian surrounded by another crowd of Inferi – he seems somehow able to control them. I've got to try to reason with him."

  • Talk to Sebastian

"Inside the catacomb, I found Sebastian. It seems the Inferi are somehow connected to the relic. But then Solomon arrived and destroyed the relic. He's furious – we must defend ourselves against him."

  • Defend yourself against Solomon

"I can't believe my eyes – Sebastian killed his uncle with Avada Kedavra. Anne arrived just after, defeated the Inferi, and Disapparated with Solomon's body. Sebastian is distraught. I need to follow him."

  • Follow Sebastian

"We left the catacombs, but Sebastian appears completely unhinged. I need to talk to him."

  • Talk to Sebastian


"Sebastian is willing to do more than I realised to save his sister. Ominis and Anne found him in the catacomb surrounded by Inferi. Anne left to get help, and Ominis went to speak with the Headmaster. I fought off hordes of Inferi until I found Sebastian, who seemed convinced the relic could reverse Anne's curse. Solomon arrived and destroyed the relic, enraging Sebastian. Sebastian cast Avada Kedavra, killing him instantly. Then Anne arrived, cleared away the Inferi, and Disapparated with Solomon's body. Sebastian was devastated. We discussed the value in knowing how to cast the Killing Curse, and I said I didn't want to learn it now. Sebastian told me to find him later in the Undercroft."

If you chose to learn the spell, the phrase "and I said I didn't want to learn it now" is replaced with "and I asked him to teach me, which he did."


At the end of this quest there is an opportunity to learn Avada Kedavra from Sebastian. If you turn it down, you can still learn it later by talking to him in the Undercroft; however that option may become unavailable after In the Shadow of Fate, depending on the choice made during that quest.

