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Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Isidora Morganach was a witch who started Hogwarts during her 5th year and could wield Ancient Magic.


Early years[]

When she was child, the small hamlet her family lived in was hit by a drought. However, a mysterious group appeared and quickly put an end to the drought, not only watering the land but making the plant life flourish once more. As they worked, Isidora saw beautiful, odd swirls all over the place, though her father just brushed it off as his daughter having a wild imagination. The group then left as quickly as they had appeared. Despite the hamlet being brought back to life, it was too late for her brother, who soon passed away. This caused Isidora's father to fall into despair and not talk to anyone.

School years[]

Years later, she transferred to Hogwarts for her 5th year and after one class with Professor Charles Rookwood, who she recognized as one of the ones that helped her home years ago, asked him about the strange swirls. Isidora was then called into a meeting with all four members known as the Keepers: Headmistress Niamh Fitzgerald, Rookwood, San Bakar, and Percival Rackham. They then revealed the latter could also see the swirls, which were traces of ancient magic, and that Rackham would be able to train her.

While Rackham trained Isidora, she couldn't get her mind off her father, who was so deep in his pain over the loss of her brother, he still hadn't uttered a word since he had passed. She questioned Rackham on why, instead of just creating pretty spiral structures, they couldn't also use ancient magic to remove one's pain. While her mentor tried to explain magic wasn't a cure all, this didn't help ease Isidora's mindset.

Later life[]

After graduating, Isidora traveled around, trying to find a way to use her abilities to remove pain from others. As the Black Death spread through the region, killing Muggles and magic users alike, she saw a man who reminded her of her father, having also just lost a son from the plague. Finally having enough, she experimented on him with her abilities and made a breakthrough with it.

Soon after, she returned to Hogwarts, this time as the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, joining her former professors as one of their own. After a warm welcome back, she invited the Keepers that evening back to her family's home in Feldcroft where she could tell them about her travels. When the group arrived though, Isidora also brought out her father, who still hadn't spoken since his son's passing, and revealed what she had learned in her travels: she could use ancient magic to take away pain. She then performed magic on her father, capturing something that had traces of ancient magic but something else as well and sealed it off in a jar. While the others watched with astonishment, Percival was apprehensive, nothing that what Isidora had captured wasn't like the normal traces of ancient magic, while Isidora's father spoke aloud, thanking her.

Realizing it was next to impossible to convince Rackham, Isidora then tried to persuade Fitzgerald. However, as they were out walking, while Fitzgerald acknowledged it was amazing to see what it did to her father, they still had little understanding of what exactly happened and the long-term effects of it. Isidora grew impatient at this, trying to note they could do so much good by removing pain from others, and that Isidora herself appeared to be feeling more powerful from it every time she drew out others' pain. She then used it on Fitzgerald without the latter's permission, though was stopped quickly before any damage could be done.


Seeing an ever increasing divide between herself and the Keepers, Isidora began to lay down plans. She enlisted the help of a famed goblin, Bragbor, to help build repositories to contain all the pain she was removing from people and had magical paintings created of herself put in her home and a secret room in Hogwarts to try and guide any future ancient magic user, including a pensieve with her memories of what transpired.

During one such episode where she was drawing out pain from an unwitting student at a repository she had below the school, the Keepers confronted her, noting she'd gone too far. Rackham demanded she stand down but Isidora refused, noting ancient magic could be used to heal the world, which was far better than hiding it and never utilizing it. Rackham tried to disarm her but she blasted back, knocking Fitzgerald out and Bakar and Rookwood off their feet. Isidora then dueled her former mentor, with her slowly overcoming his magic. Rookwood quickly joined in while Bakar checked on Fitzgerald but when Bakar saw his colleagues were losing the fight, cast the killing curse at Isidora, killing her instantly.

Though the Keepers never discovered Isidora's secret labs across the region, they did manage to find and destroy her magical paintings, preventing the painted version of herself from coming back to sway any future ancient magic users.

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