Hogwarts Legacy Wiki
Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Marianne Moffett is a resident of Marunweem in Hogwarts Legacy.


In the late 19th century, after the increased presence of poachers in the area, Marianne became concerned for Gwyneira, a local legend due to the diricawl being albino and thus, would be heavily prized for her feathers. While she of course would love to use Gwyneira's feathers herself, she knew if poachers got a hold of the diricawl, they'd likely kill the poor creature in the process of taking her feathers. Thus, Marianne tried to think of a way to capture the illusive diricawl to keep her safe. Unfortunately, she was having no luck there, with her only being able to deduce that Gwyneira only came out at night.

Associated quest[]


  • During the troll attack in Welcome to Hogsmeade, she can be seen as part of the initial townspeople the first troll tries to attack. However, it's unclear if this was her or if her model was just reused during this scene.

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