Hogwarts Legacy Wiki
Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Merlin Trials are a series of small spell-based challenges spread throughout the magical open world. These Trials are designed to test the player's skills and knowledge of spells, and are scattered so frequently that it's almost impossible to take a few steps without stumbling upon them. The Merlin Trials serve the crucial purpose of rewarding you with additional inventory slots which allow you to carry more items to sell or equip.

Your initiation into the Merlin Trials occurs during the "Trials of Merlin" quest which will be started shortly after you meet Natty near Lower Hogsfield. Following the encounter with Natty, you will hear Nora Treadwell having an altercation with some of Rookwood's Gang. After assisting her in fighting them off she will guide you through the process of using Mallowsweet on the altar to initiate the Merlin Trial and complete the first challenge.

Merlin Trial Locations[]

In total, there are 95 Merlin Trials spread across the World Map[1].

Region Number of Merlin Trials
North Ford Bog 5
Forbidden Forest 3
Hogsmeade Valley 5
North Hogwarts Region 4
South Hogwarts Region 15
Hogwarts Valley 15
Feldcroft Region 17
South Sea Bog 1
Coastal Cavern 2
Poidsear Coast 9
Marunweem Lake 4
Cragcroftshire 5
Manor Cape 5
Clagmar Coast 5

Types of Merlin Trials[]

There are various types of Merlin Trials to be found across the world, and each has distinct spell requirements in order to be solved. Below, the different trial types you might encounter, as well as the methods or spells needed to complete them, are summarised.

Lighting Torches[]

Required spell: Incendio or Confringo

This Trial can be solved using either Incendio or Confringo, although Confringo is the better choice if you have it unlocked as it allows you to more readily light the torches from a distance. To complete the challenge, first find the torches around the challenge area and then light them in order of tallest to shortest. The reason for this is that once they are lit, they will start sinking into the ground, and if one of them reaches the bottom before they are all lit, you will have to start again.

Destroying Orbs[]

Required spell: Accio or Basic Cast

This Trial's objective is to destroy the orbs on the top of pillars around the Trial area using Basic Cast or Accio. Revelio can help you find the orbs more easily, as there are usually quite a few that will need to be found and destroyed to complete the Trial.

Standing Stones[]

Required spell: None

For this Trial, simply climb onto one of the nearby standing stones and run and jump onto the next one until you reach the end and complete the trial.

Symbol Cubes[]

Required spell: Flipendo

This Trial requires the player to use Flipendo on the cubes resting on pillars around the Trial area. These cubes have symbols on them that need to line up with the plinth they are resting on. The cubes also have arrows on some of the faces to help you figure out which direction they should line up.

Lighting Crystals[]

Required spell: Lumos

This Trial can be easily recognised by the presence of hollow cubes with crystals inside and luminescent moths in the trial area. Use Lumos to attract the moths to you and then guide them to the cubes. Doing this will light the crytsals inside the cubes. Once all the cubes have been lit the Trial will be complete.

Stone Spheres[]

Required spell: Accio

You can spot this Trial by the presence of plates with spherical openings on the ground within the challenge area. Use Revelio to help you find piles of five small stone balls, and then use Accio to transfer these stones into the nearby plates. When all the plates' holes have been filled, the Trial will be completed.

Destroying Stones[]

Required spell: Confringo

This Trial requires the player to use Confringo to blow up the cracked, green-tinted rocks found around the Trial area.

Repairing Statues[]

Required spell: Reparo

When this Trial is started, a number of statues around the area will collapse. To complete the trial, use Reparo to fix them. If the trial is not concluding, use Revelio to make sure you have not missed any statues in the area.

Goal Shift[]

Required spell: Depulso, or Wingardium Leviosa

To complete this Trial you will need to locate the large ball and use movement spells to get it into the nearby bowl-shaped goal set in the ground. Note that some of these trials are able to be completed without any of the mentioned spells; the fourth, final heavy shot of the standard attack combo is also able to move the ball which will allow completion of some of these trials, but some have the ball positioned behind obstacles that it will have to be lifted over so you will need to use one of the aforementioned spells to complete it.

