Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Percival Rackham's Trial is a main quest in Hogwarts Legacy.


"I need to meet Professor Fig outside the tower."

  • Meet Professor Fig at the tower

"It can't possibly be a coincidence that goblins are here. What do they know about the tower? I need to look for evidence to explain why the goblins are here."

Shortly after finding the Goblin Note in a tent, the player is discovered and attacked by more goblins.

"One way or another, I'm going to need to get past these goblins to get inside."

"It doesn't seem possible that the goblins know about Professor Rackham's trials, but they are clearly aware that the tower holds some significance. I should search inside and see what I can find. I suspect I'll need my ability to see traces of ancient magic."

  • Search the tower

"The entrance to the first trial must be somewhere in the tower. Now that I'm alone, I must focus on spotting traces of ancient magic."

  • Find the Entrance to the first trial

"Let's find out what Professor Rackham's trial has in store for me."

  • Enter Percival Rackham's trial

"This chamber is familiar. It reminds me of Gringotts and the area below the library. I need to be on guard and remember everything I've learned."

  • Complete Percival Rackham's trial

"I hope this is the final test. I should try to disarm these guards with Expelliarmus. They seem to be most vulnerable when they don't have their weapons."

"I've defeated all the guards. Now I need to learn what exactly they've been protecting all this time."

  • Learn the trial's secret

"I've completed the trial. I need to return to the Map Chamber and discuss what I've learned with Professor Fig and Professor Rackham."

  • Return to the Map Chamber
  • Speak to Fig and Professor Rookwood

"Now that I'm back in the Map Chamber, I need to speak to the subject of the portrait that just appeared: Charles Rookwood."

  • Speak with Charles Rookwood


"Professor Fig and I had to run off goblins we found at the tower. They clearly suspect the tower has some significance. My ability to see traces of ancient magic allowed me to discover the entrance to the first trial. I completed the trial and fended off the ancient guards protecting a Pensieve memory. The Pensieve revealed a story about Isidora becoming a professor at Hogwarts and trying to use ancient magic to take away pain. From there, I returned to the Map Chamber and discovered that another Keeper's portrait had been revealed. This one belongs to Professor Charles Rookwood. He told me to watch out for swirling traces of ancient magice throughout the world. Professor Fig wants to find out what Ranrok knows.


  • After defeating the first group of Pensieve Protectors, there will be a path to a chest on the right side of the room.
  • After activating the entrance to the next zone, collect all the chests before entering, as the return path will be sealed after entering.
  • The way to destroy Pensieve Guardian's powerful orb attack is to use magic of the same color as the orb to attack the orb.
  • A Pensieve Artefact is obtained at the end of the trial.
  • After this quest, locations of Ancient Magic Hotspots will be marked on the map.

