Phoenix Rising is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. The quest is received after speaking to Deek in the Room of Requirement.
"I wonder what Deek wants to talk with me about. I need to speak with him."
- Speak with Deek
"Deek believes the phoenix is nesting in the mountains far to the southeast of Hogwarts."
- Search for the cave
"This appears to be the location that Deek heard about - perhaps the phoenix is inside. I should enter the cave and take a look."
- Enter the Phoenix Mountain Cave
"Someone erected a barricade just inside the cave. I bet it was the poachers - they must have gotten here first. I need to stop them from finding the phoenix before I do."
- Search for the phoenix
"The poachers are everywhere! I need to get rid of them if I want to rescue the phoenix."
- Clear the poacher camp
"Time to continue upward; I need to reach the peak of the mountain."
- Reach the peak of the mountain
"These poachers have no business being here. I need to show them I mean business and get them to leave this mountain to good."
- Defeat the Poacher Pack
"I never imagined I would encounter a phoenix - what a truly magnificent creature. I need to rescue it with the nab-sack before more poachers show up. I just hope the bird realises I'm here to help."
- Rescue the phoenix with the nab-sack
"I've rescued the phoenix; now I need to get it back to the Room of Requirement and introduce it to its new home."
- Return the the Room of Requirement
"Deek heard a rumour that a phoenix was nesting in the nearby mountains and that some poachers were tracking it, so he asked me to rescue the bird. I made my way to the Phoenix Mountain Cave, but to my dismay, the poachers had beaten me there. After I fought off the poachers and spiders in the cave, I reached the peak of the mountain and found the phoenix in its roost. I was able to rescue the magnificent bird and bring it back to the Room of Requirement, where it dropped a feather for me in gratitude."
- The card image for this quest initially shows a golden feather; after speaking to Deek it changes to a phoenix.