Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Professor Garlick's Assignment 2 is an assignment in Hogwarts Legacy.


"Professor Garlick wants me to field test Chinese Chomping Cabbages, a Mandrake, and a Venomous Tentacula all at once. She also wants me to grow and harvest a Fluxweed plant. Should I need any seeds or plants, I could visit The Magic Neep or Dogweed and Deathcap. My Field Guide will not guide me through this assignment, but my map could still prove useful."

  • Grow and harvest Fluxweed.
  • Acquire all three combat plants and use them simultaneously.

"I should return to Professor Garlick and turn in the assignment so that she will teach me how to cast Flipendo, the Knockback Jinx, which will put an opponent on their back."

  • Return to Professor Garlick.


"Professor Garlick had me simultaneously field test three combat plants, as well as grow and harvest some Fluxweed. She then taught me the proper way to cast Flipendo."


