Settings is divided into 9 sections.
Save/Load and Exit[]
- Restart from Last Save
- Load Game
- Save Game:This is where the player can make manual saves of their game. [Note: the game uses auto-saves]
- Exit to Main Menu
- Exit Game
Display Options[]
- Window Mode:Choose from fullscreen and windowed options. Requires confirmation
- Select Monitor
- Resolution
- Rendering Resolution
- Anti-Aliasing Mode:Anti-aliasing improves the visual appearance of object edges and the overall quality of the image
- Upscale Type:Upscale technologies provide high resolution frames from lower resolution inputs. This can significantly improve performance. Some upscale technologies may not be available on your device
- Upscale Mode:The upscale mode determines the resolution at which the frames are rendered. Quality modes render at a higher resolution, while Performance modes run at a higher framerate at the cost of image quality
- Upscale Sharpness:Control the amount of sharpness applied to the visuals which have be downscaled by the chosen rendering resolution
- Frame Generation:If supported by your graphics card, this setting may also be disabled because NVIDIA DLSS isn't enabled, or because Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling isn't enabled in Windows Graphics Settings
- NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency:NVIDIA Reflex is used to reduce system latency which increases PC responsiveness
- VSYNC:Enabling vertical sync will force the graphics card to operate at a rate no higher than the monitor's refresh rate
- Framerate:Select the maximum frame rate cap. A lower framerate may reduce stuttering
- Image Calibration:Adjust brightness or HDR parameters
- Field of View:Use the slider to widen or narrow the camera's field of view
- Motion Blur:Blur fast camera movements and rapidly moving objects. Impacts GPU performance
- Depth of Field:Adjust the depth of field of your in-game camera. Impacts GPU performance
- Chromatic Aberration:Chromatic aberration increases the filmic realism by emulating the colour fringe by a real camera lens
- Film Grain:Film Grain imitates image grain like photographic film does in the real world
- Select GPU:Select which GPU to use
Graphics Options[]
- Global Quality Preset:This setting modifies the value of most graphics settings to target a global level of quality
- Effects Quality:Set the quality of particle effects to modify the complexity and fidelity of visual effects. Impacts CPU and GPU performance
- Material Quality:Set the quality of all materials in the world. Impacts GPU performance
- Fog Quality:Set the quality of volumetric fog. Higher quality improves the fog resolution. Impacts GPU performance
- Sky Quality:Set the quality of the atmospheric sky and volumetric clouds. Impacts GPU performance
- Foliage Quality:Set the quality of foliage. Higher quality increases the density and complexity. Impacts GPU performance
- Post Process Quality:Set the quality of all post processing effects such as ambient occlusion, depth of field, motion blue and lens flares. Impacts GPU performance
- Shadow Quality:Set the quality of shadows. Higher quality increases shadow resolution and view distance. Impacts GPU performance
- Texture Quality:Set the quality of textures. Higher quality increases overall texture resolution. Impacts GPU performance and VRAM requirements
- View Distance Quality:Set the view distance quality. Higher quality increases fidelity of objects in the distance and the distance at which small detail appears. Impacts CPU, GPU performance and VRAM requirements
- Population Quality:Set the quality of non-essential NPCs and creatures in the world. Impacts CPU performance
- Run Benchmark:Apply recommended graphics settings
- Ray Tracing Reflections
- Ray Tracing Shadows
- Ray Tracing Ambient Occlusion
- Ray Tracing Quality
Audio Options[]
- Music Volume:Adjust the volume of the music
- Sound Effects Volume:Adjust the volume of the sound effects
- Dialogue Volume:Adjust the volume of the dialogue
- Pitch:Adjusts the pitch of your character's voice
- Mute All:Turn all sound on or off
- Display Subtitles:Turn subtitles on or off
- Mono Audio:Play stereo audio as mono
- Audio Configuration:Choose the audio preset that best describes your audio setup
Gameplay Options[]
- Difficulty:Change the difficulty of the game
- Controller Rumble:Turn the controller rumble off or on
- Invert Camera X-Axis:Invert the camera controls along the x-axis
- Invert Camera Y-Axis:Invert the camera controls along the y-axis
- Invert Flight Controls:Invert the flight controls along the y-axis
- Speed Toggle:When enabled, inputs that adjust the player's speed act as a toggle rather than a hold
- Camera-Relative Targeting:
ON (default)Selects active targets with the camera OFFSelects active targets with the movement thumbstick (grants offscreen enemy targeting)
- Camera Sensitivity:Adjust how rapidly the camera moves when looking around
- Aiming Sensitivity:Adjust aiming sensitivity
- Camera Acceleration:Adjust how quickly the camera accelerates when moving from a stationary position. Higher values mean smoother acceleration and a higher maximum speed
- Aiming Acceleration:Adjust the sensitivity of the camera when in Aim Mode
- Follow Camera Speed:Adjust the speed at which the camera aligns to the direction of the player character's movement
Control Options[]
Will display controller configuration.
PC Control Options[]
Will display keyboard configuration. Can be rebound if desired.
Accessibility Options[]
- Menu Reader:Menu Reader that reads text, buttons, and other elements aloud
- Menu Reader Voice
- Menu Reader Volume
- Camera Shake:Increase/Decrease camera shake intensity
- Colourblind Mode:Colour adjustment settings for colourblind accessibility
- Toggle Aim Mode:Enable this to change spell aiming from a hold to a toggle
- Toggle Spell Cast Mode:Certain spells can use a toggle control scheme. Turn this setting on to enable this or off to disable it
- Switch Sticks (Aiming):Swap the functionality of the left and right analog sticks on the gamepad while aiming
- Left Handed:Reconfigure the gamepad layout to a left-handed control scheme
- Camera Dead Zone:Increase/Decrease the dead zone for the camera stick on the gamepad
- Cursor Sensitivity:Increase/Decrease user interface cursor sensitivity when using the game controller
- Audio Visualiser:Activates or deactivates the Audio Visualiser, which uses onscreen icons to indicate audio events
- Audio Visualiser Icon Key:These are the icons used by the Audio Visualiser
- Audio Visualiser Icon Transparency:Controls the transparency of the Audio Visualiser icons
- Audio Visualiser Size:Controls the size of the Audio Visualiser icons
- Mini Map Pathing:Activates or deactivates the guided path on the Minimap
- Mini Map Transparency:Adjust the transparency of the Minimap
- Text Size:Adjust the text size on screen
- High Contrast Text:Adjust the contrast of the text in the game
- High Contrast Gameplay:Adjust the contrast of the game
User Interface Options[]
- View EULA:Review the End User License Agreement, as well as Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
- WB Games Account:View WB Games Account information
- Show HUD Tracking Icons:Show or hide in-world tracking icons for missions, points of interest, etc.
- Show Standard Notifications:Show or hide standard notifications
- Show Quest Notifications:Show or hid quest notifications
- Show XP/Level Up Notifications:Show or hide the notifications of XP/levelling up
- Show Spell HUD:Show or hide the spellcasting display
- Show Health/Ancient Magic Meter:Show or hide the health/ancient magic meter
- Show Minimap:Show or hide the Minimap
- Show Enemy/Target Info:Show or hide target/enemy information
- Show Special Notifications:Show or hide notifications of special collections
- Show Tool Wheel HUD:Show or hide the Tool Wheel assignment being displayed onscreen
- Show Enemy Damage Numbers:Show or hide the onscreen numbers displaying how much damage an enemy takes from an attack
- Show Mount Controls:Show or hide the controls for riding or flying on a mount