Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Spot Removal is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. The quest is received by speaking to Sacharissa Tugwood in front of Dogweed and Deathcap.


"A Hufflepuff near Dogweed and Deathcap seems to need a favour. I should see what she wants."

"Sacharissa told me where I should expect to find some Bubotubers in the Forbidden Forest. I should start my search there."

"I've located the spot in the Forbidden Forest where the Bubotubers should be found. I should carefully search around for them to bring them back to Sacharissa."

"I was able to find and collect the Bubotubers for Sacharissa. Now to return to her in Hogsmeade."

  • Return to Sacharissa Tugwood


Ask to be paid more
"I harvested Bubotubers from the Forbidden Forest for Sacharissa Tugwood to use in her beauty cream. I had to battle a troll to obtain them, so I asked her to pay me more for my trouble. She agreed, and seemed delighted to be able to help our 'poor, pimply peers'. She may have a knack for this. It will be interesting to see if her concoction works."

