The Daedalian Keys is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy.
This is started by talking to Nellie Oggspire. Note that all but 3 of the keys can be found early on. The last 3 keys only become accessible after The Caretaker's Lunar Lament, as one needs Alohomora to get into the locations they're in.
"Nellie Oggspire is in the Transfiguration Courtyard and seems elated by something. I'm interested to learn what's so exciting."
- Speak with Nellie Oggspire
"Nellie mentioned hearing a Daedalian Key in the Astronomy Tower. I'm sure I can find it if I look around and listen."
- Find the Daedalian key in the Astronomy Tower
"I found a Daedalian Key and it flew off, trying to reunite with the cabinet to which it belongs. I should try and find it."
- Find the Deadalian key's cabinet
"I found the cabinet that the Daedalian Key led to. Now to try to open it."
- Open the Daedalian lock
"Opening the cabinet with the Daedalian Key revealed a token with my house insignia on it. I should show this to Nellie."
- Return to Nellie with the token
"Nellie said my House Chest should be in my house common room. I should search there."
- Insert the house token into your house chest
"It looks like my House Chest has room for more Tokens. I should look for more Daedalian Keys around Hogwarts."
- Find the remaining house tokens that are around Hogwarts (16)
"I've managed to find all sixteen house tokens. I must remember to deposit them into my house chest to see what's inside!"
- Return to my house chest to deposit tokens.
"Now that I've opened the house chest, I should share what I've learned with Nellie."
- Speak with Nellie.
"I learned from Nellie Oggspire that the flying keys which occasionally appear in Hogwarts are the Daedalian keys, a holdover from some enchantments that a prior headmistress once set. It took some ardent searching, but I managed to find all of the keys and used them to open my house chest, revealing a marvellous house costume."
As a reward for collecting all of the house tokens, the player receives one of the following robe appearances, depending on the player's House:
- Gryffindor Relic House Uniform
- Hufflepuff Relic House Uniform
- Ravenclaw Relic House Uniform
- Slytherin Relic House Uniform