Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom is a main quest in Hogwarts Legacy. It unlocks the ability to catch and care for magical beasts, as well as the ability to upgrade and add Traits to Gear.

This quest is received at the same time as In the Shadow of the Estate, and the two quests can be done in either order.


"Deek wants to teach me how to use the nab-sack to rescue magical beasts."

  • Check in with Deek

"I need to talk to Deek about heading out to search for magical beasts to rescue with the nab-sack."

  • Let Deek know when you are ready to leave

"I need to follow Deek to where he wants me to use the nab-sack. I'm looking forward to seeing how it works."

  • Follow Deek

"Deek wants me to use the nab-sack to rescue a Puffskein. I just need to get close enough to use it before the beast runs off."

  • Rescue a Puffskein

"Now that I've rescued a Puffskein, I should talk to Deek and see what he wants me to do next."

  • Talk to Deek

"Deek is scouting ahead for the location of a Jobberknoll habitat. He wants me to meet him at a large tree near the edge of a cliff to the West."

  • Meet Deek near the Jobberknoll habitat

"Deek wants me to use the nab-sack to rescue a Jobberknoll. I may need to cast Levioso on it to keep it from flying away before I can collect it."

  • Rescue a Jobberknoll

"I've rescued a Jobberknoll as Deek asked. I should return to him and see what's next."

  • Talk to Deek

"Deek told me of a large tree with a spiral pattern in front of it where I can rescue a Mooncalf."

  • Meet Deek near the Mooncalf habitat

"I need to rescue a Mooncalf with the nab-sack, but these beasts will only come out at night. Perhaps I should wait until then."

  • Rescue a Mooncalf

"I should speak to Deek and let him know that I've successfully rescued a Mooncalf with the nab-sack."

  • Talk to Deek

"Deek wants me to bring the nab-sack and the rescued beasts back to the Room of Requirement."

  • Return to the Room of Requirement

"I should investigate the new area created by the Room of Requirement. I'm excited to see what the room has provided."

  • Meet Deek inside the new creation

"The Room of Requirement has provided a vivarium where I can care for my rescued beasts and keep them safe from poachers."

  • Release rescued beasts into the vivarium

"According to Deek, if I brush and feed the beasts I've rescued, they will provide magical materials that have a variety of uses. I need to collect a Jobberknoll feather, hair from a Puffskein, and some Mooncalf fur."

"I've collected the magical materials. I should talk to Deek and learn how to use them."

  • Speak with Deek

"Deek provided me with a spellcraft to conjure an Enchanted Loom. He says I can use the Loom to weave the magical materials into my clothing. I should return to the Room of Requirement and conjure one."

  • Exit the vivarium
  • Conjure an Enchanted Loom

"I should try using the Enchanted Loom to add magical properties to my clothing."

"Upgrading my clothes with the Enchanted Loom went smoothly. I should let Deek know of my success."

  • Tell Deek you have used the Enchanted Loom


"In the Room of Requirement, Deek showed me the nab-sack, which I can use to transport magical beasts. We then went to the Highlands and rescued a Puffskein, a Jobberknoll, and a Mooncalf. It was dangerous, as poachers were active in the area. When I returned to the Room, it provided me with a vivarium where I can keep my rescued beasts. I also learned that beasts provide magical materials when properly cared for. After that, Deek gave me a spellcraft for an Enchanted Loom which I can use to enhance my clothing with magical materials. He said many other beasts will provide even rarer materials. I'm glad to have somewhere I can bring beasts to keep them safe from poachers."


