The Hunt for the Missing Pages is a main quest in Hogwarts Legacy. It is exclusive to players who are in House Gryffindor. After completing both Potions Class and Trials of Merlin, you receive a message from Nellie Oggspire saying that the Gryffindor house ghost is looking for you.
"Nearly Headless Nick may have information regarding the missing pages I seek."
- Speak to Nearly Headless Nick
"Sir Nicholas says he knows something about the missing pages. I'll hear him out, but where is he leading me?"
- Follow Sir Nicholas
"I need to 'tickle' the pear in the painting so I can get into the kitchen and retrieve some rotten roast beef for Sir Nicholas. Apparently, the foul smell of rotting food allows ghosts to remember what it once tasted like."
- Obtain rotten roast beef
"Sir Nicholas needs rotten roast beef from the kitchen in order to get me one step closer to those missing pages."
- Obtain rotten roast beef
"This rotten roast beef is disgusting. I should get it back to Sir Nicholas before I pass out from the stench."
- Return to Sir Nicholas
"The ghost of Richard Jackdaw can help me with the missing pages. His head is being used in a game somewhere near The Magic Neep."
- Find the Headless Hunt's game
"The Headless Hunt is using Jackdaw's head in their game. If I can find it five times among the pumpkins then they'll let me speak to him."
- Destroy the pumpkins to find the head
"Now that the game is over, I can finally speak to Richard Jackdaw's ghost. I hope he can tell me where to find the missing pages."
- Speak to Richard Jackdaw
"Nearly Headless Nick helped connect me to Richard Jackdaw's ghost. To do so, I had to help Nick pilfer some rotten roast beef from the Hogwarts kitchen. He hoped to use it to gain favour with Sir Patrick and be accepted to the Headless Hunt, but, unfortunately, he still doesn't qualify since he was never fully decapitated. I finally spoke to the ghost of Richard Jackdaw and he's agreed to show me where he died. He says the missing pages should be on top of his remains."
- The rotten roast beef is in an alcove in the southwest corner of the kitchen.
- Richard Jackdaw's head can be found by noting which pumpkin is shaking, or by casting Revelio, or by simply destroying all the pumpkins.
- The Map with Floating Candles can be found lying on a gravestone next to The Tomb of the Villager, which is directly behind you when you arrive in the graveyard during this quest. Picking it up triggers the side quest Ghost of Our Love. If not picked up during this quest, its location will be marked afterwards by a side quest icon on the Hogsmeade map.