Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

The Path to Hogwarts is the first main quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

Since the Wizard's Field Guide has not yet been acquired, this quest does not count towards the Complete Main Quests challenge, so XP is not earned for the quest.


"Professor Fig and I have travelled via Portkey to a remote cliffside in the Scottish Highlands. We need to explore the mysterious ruins that we suspect the Portkey was meant to lead us to."

  • Follow Professor Fig
  • Destroy the magical barrier
  • Follow Professor Fig
  • Explore the ruins
  • Interact with magic

"While searching through a ruined castle in the Scottish Highlands, I happened upon a strange glowing doorway made of crystalised stone. Suddenly Professor Fig and I found ourselves in an ornate vestibule. We remain unsure of what we will find."

  • Wake the goblin
  • Follow Professor Fig
  • Cast Revelio
  • Proceed into the vault

"After entering the vault, we quickly realised that it was empty. I saw a glowing symbol on a hidden door – the same symbol from the Portkey container. When we tried to open the door, we suddenly found ourselves transported to a vast expanse of darkness. We believe we're still in Gringotts, but this is certainly no ordinary vault."

  • Stay Close to Professor Fig
  • Interact with magic
  • Determine how to proceed
  • Cast and hold Lumos
  • Discover the statue's secret

"While searching through the darkness, we came upon a statue whose reflection was only visible to me. When I aligned the statue with its reflection, it attacked."

  • Protego [triangle] incoming enemy attacks (0/3) (This objective is sometimes omitted)
  • Tap [R2] to destroy statues with Basic Cast
  • Stay Close to Professor Fig
  • Find Professor Fig
  • Interact with magic
  • Activate the statues
  • Tap [R2] to destroy statues with Basic Cast

"After the statues attacked us, the debris that was left behind began swirling about. In the chaos, I somehow became separated from Professor Fig. I've no idea where he is – or where I am, for that matter."

  • Hold Protego [triangle] to Stupefy counter enemies (0/3) (This objective is sometimes omitted)
  • Tap [R2] to destroy statues with Basic Cast
  • Find Professor Fig


"After a dragon attacked our carriage to Hogwarts, Professor Fig and I happened upon a private entrance to Gringotts Wizarding Bank that was only visible to me. In one of the bank's oldest vaults, we witnessed a Pensieve memory, left behind by an ancient wizard named Percival Rackham, who could see the same sorts of magic that I see. A goblin called Ranrok tried to take the locket that we'd found, but we narrowly escaped with it and our lives. It seems the fate of the entire wizarding world may rest on my shoulders. I have much to learn at Hogwarts, and not much time to do it."


  • Nine chests can be found during this quest, each containing 35-70 Gold:
    • After climbing to a higher path, Professor Fig heads right. Go left to find the first chest.
    • After crossing the repaired bridge but before entering the ruined building, go right to find the second chest against the wall.
    • In the ornate vestibule, before waking the Goblin, look along the left-hand wall.
    • Before entering vault twelve, look to the right of the door for the fourth chest.
    • Right after being separated from Professor Fig, before moving on, casting Revelio will reveal the fifth chest to the Southeast next to a pillar.
    • Halfway along the path shown by the magical sparks, casting Revelio will reveal the sixth chest to the player's right.
    • Before engaging the three statues on your own, casting Revelio will highlight the seventh chest next to a pillar behind the center and right statue, towards the Northwest.
    • After defeating all the statues and passing through the arch, before examining the object in the center of the room, check the left and right walls for chests eight and nine.
  • An easter egg can be found near the second chest: dolls of a Niffler and another creature, a bottle, and a small paper bag. These cannot be taken nor interacted with.


