Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

The Tale of Rowland Oakes is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. It is received from Adelaide Oakes in the Transfiguration Courtyard.


"Adelaide Oakes seems worried about someone. I should speak with her."

  • Talk to Adelaide Oakes

"Adelaide mentioned that her uncle set up camp north of Hogwarts, past the river. I should start by looking for him there."

  • Find Rowland Oakes's campsite

"It looks as if this site was overrun by Loyalists. There must be a clue as to where they've taken him."

  • Defeat the Goblins Occupying Rowland's Camp
  • Investigate the campsite to find a clue

"Rowland's map depicts a few key landmarks. Perhaps I can use them to help me work out where the goblins have taken him."

  • Use Rowland's map to follow his trail

"It appears the Loyalists have set up in the ruins depicted on the map."

  • Enter the goblin outpost
  • Explore the goblin outpost and find Rowland Oakes

"I've found the room of cells. Now to find which one holds Rowland."

  • Talk to Rowland through his cell door

"Rowland says that he heard goblins speak of a boiler door. Perhaps that's where I can find his wand."

"I believe I've found Rowland's wand. Now to return it to him so we can escape."

  • Give Rowland his wand


"Rowland Oakes had always traded with goblins, but due to the rise of Ranrok's Loyalists, his niece Adelaide was deeply worried for his safety. Her intuitions were proven correct as Rowland was captured by a group of goblins and brought to a cell hidden within some ruins. I managed to find his confiscated wand and free him from his cell. In the end he told me that this was all a result of a business agreement gone astray. A good lesson as to why one must honour their word."



  • Two clues can be found in the campsite:
    • Rowland Oakes's Map is lying on a crate under a canopy
    • Rowland Oakes's Journal is lying on the ground in front of the canopy, near some cages
  • Rowland's map leads to the Korrow Ruins, located some distance WSW of Rowland's camp.
  • The Korrow Ruins are occupied by a large number of goblins, including Loyalist Warriors, Assassins, Rangers, Sentinels.
  • The enemies behind the boiler door include Pergit, an Infamous Foe.
  • Rowland's wand is on a small wand stand, on a wooden table in an alcove. It can be retrieved without engaging in combat by using Disillusionment or Invisibility Potion to sneak past the goblins.

