Hogwarts Legacy Wiki

Well, Well, Well is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy.


"I came across a well southeast of Aranshire inside some old ruins and heard a voice coming from it. I should investigate it."

  • Investigate the well

"I have obtained a treasure map from a talking well near Aranshire. I should try to find where it leads."


"The large tree sketched on the Well's Treasure Map was holding a treasure chest within its roots. I figured out that it needed to be magically lifted to reveal the chest, and in turn, its treasure. Whomever concocted this method of hiding their treasure was clever. I'll certainly put it to good use."



  • The map shows a sketch of some ruins located some distance southwest of and across the gorge from Irondale. A feather symbol indicates that the tree in the middle of one ruined building must be lifted with Levioso.